Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Dermatologist...

The long awaited visit to the dermatologist finally came around. Bub was 21 months old. Of course as is almost always the case when you go see a specialist her skin seemed to be going through a "good" patch. But after the dermo had seen her she was diagnosed with server eczema.

She gave us loads of advise on the new plan of attack and the steroid creams she was prescribing for bub. Hubby and I had some concerns of skin thinning but she assured us that the eczema makes the skin thick and you want the creams to thin it. We were not told of any side effects and  I clearly remember her telling us " The pharmacist will tell you to use this sparingly, but don't worry about that. Use as much as you like when ever you need. Slather it on". We were instructed on wet wrapping and on the way we should put the steroid cream on then a thick layer of ointment, (we used dermeze ) morning and night.

She gave us a script for 12 tubes of Eleuphrat for her body and 4 tubes of Advantan fatty ointment for her face. This came with 2 repeats.We left the appointment with new hope and confidence that the steroids would help.

Feel free to google these creams, you will easily find a huge list of side effects and information about how they should not used for more then a few weeks and only used under supervision especially in children. I have not included   this information because it is very confronting and deeply upsets me.

We saw a huge improvement within only a few days but no matter how well her skin became the eczema always came back. We continued using the steroid creams until the time came that we had none left. I rang to make another appointment with the dermatologist and was informed by the receptionist that an another was not needed and they would send me a new script in the mail. The next day sure enough i received a new prescription with 2 repeats for the same steroid creams...

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